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  1. We serve as strategic advisors to the Minister of Police.

  2. We provide legal advice and support to the Minister of Police.

  3. We conduct oversight over the Police through Research and Policy advice.

  4. We monitor the implementation of Domestic Violence Act by the South African Police Service.

  5. We receive, persue and resolve service complaints against the Police.

  6. We facilitate working relationship between the Police and the communities through Izimbizo and stakeholder engagements.

  7. We establish Partnerships with Civil Society through Memorandam of Understanding ( MOU’s) with a view to develop and implement crime fighting initiatives.

  8. We monitor the implementation of Independent Police Investigative Directorate ( IPID ) recommendations by SAPS.

  9. We advocate for the establishment of Community Based Structures after which we assess their functionality after capacitating them.

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