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Parliament on containment of fire

06 January 2022

The Civilian Secretariat for Police Service distances itself from the interview which was conducted on SABC News programme, on the 3rd of January 2022 with Mr Benjamin Ntuli, a Chief Director responsible for Intersectoral Coordination and Strategic Partnerships.

Mr. Ntuli participated in the interview in his personal capacity and was not authorized by the Department.

The CSPS is saddened that the facilities of Parliament, as an apex institution of democracy have been damaged by fire.

The department will await a detailed report on assessment and investigation from the relevant parties, which we like all South Africans are patiently waiting for.

For media enquiries, please contact the Head of Communications.
Ms. Pinda Ntsaluba
Cell: 061 915 3859
Mr. Takalani Ramaru
Acting Secretary for Police Service
Cell: 084 803 6107

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