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Extension of the closing date for submission of comments on the Independent Police Investigative Directorate Amendment Bill, 2022

14 December 2022

The Civilian Secretariat for Police Service has extended the period for submission of comments on the Independent Police Investigative Directorate Amendment Bill. The date of submission has now been extended to 15 January 2023.

The Bill was drafted by the Civilian Secretariat for Police Service in collaboration with the Independent Police Investigative Directorate (commonly known as IPID).

The Bill proposes the entrenchment of the institutional and operational independence of IPID, as well as to make it expressly clear that IPID must be impartial and must exercise its powers and functions without fear, favour or prejudice. This is in order to give effect to the McBride judgment, where Judge Bosielo made certain pronouncements concerning the importance of the independence of IPID in order for it to function appropriately.

Furthermore, a more transparent and open process for the appointment of the Executive Director is provided for in the Bill which is imperative in view of Judge Bosielo’s assertion in the McBride judgment that the manner of appointment of the Executive Director of IPID is fundamental to its independence.

The Bill also prescribes a more detailed and thorough process for integrity testing of IPID officials, and for the amendment of other provisions of the principal Act, so as to ensure that IPID executes its mandate effectively and efficiently.

The draft Bill can be found at Members of the public are invited to submit comments on the Bill on or before 15 January 2023. Comments on the Bill can be submitted to the following platforms:

  1. Email to

  2. Post for attention of
    Mr. M. Ntwana at:
    Civilian Secretariat for Police Service
    Private Bag X922

  3. OR

  4. Hand-delivery at the Civilian Secretariat for Police Service, Fedsure Forum Building, 2nd Floor, Corner of Pretorius and Lilian Ngoyi Streets, PRETORIA.
General enquiries regarding the draft bill can be submitted to Mr. Jacob Setouto via the following email address:

For media enquiry please contact Ms. Pinda Ntsaluba; Director Communications on or 074 429 8341

by the Civilian Secretariat for Police Service

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